Friday, February 24, 2012

Week in Review

Watching the one and only snow fall thus far. (and if you haven't figured already, I LOVE that window! It's got the most perfect light for taking pictures. I'm sure you'll be seeing more pictures of the kids with it.)
We've all been battling the cold this week. I don't know how much tissue we've gone through... well, a lot! And kids with runny noses can only stand their nose being wiped so many times. Being sick sure makes you appreciate being healthy!

I called Poison Control for the first time a week or two ago. Todd and I were napping and I thought Lucy was napping too. About an hour later Lucy comes out of her room to wake me up. The first thing I see is some kind of ink all over her hands, her mouth, tongue and teeth. I jump out of bed and rush into her room to see what it was that she had gotten in to. The weirdest thing is that I searched and searched her room and I couldn't find a trace of it! I was totally panicked because I had no idea what it was and whenever I would ask her where it was she would say, "All gone! Down, down, down in tummy!" To this day, I still don't know what it was.

My favorite sound in the world is when my two children are laughing hysterically at each other. It just warms my heart immensely!

Me and the kids were watching Toy Story together the other day. I had to go put Todd down for a nap, and when I came back to join Lucy again the movie was now in French! It took me a while to figure out how to put it back to English. :)

Poor Todd fell victim to a total hack job of a haircut last night. I'll definitely be trying to salvage it sometime today.

And I think I have solved Todd's dislike of food! (I'm so proud of myself). I discovered that if I put any jar of fruit or veggies with half of a jar of meat he'll devour it!! This morning for breakfast he had a jar of apple, strawberry, and banana with a half jar of chicken. Ate every last bit of it. Sounds tasty, right?
He's such a little man... gotta have his meat!

This last Sunday was a busy one. I had prepared a lesson for Relief Society and a talk for Sacrament. (The Bishop had called me just Thursday night since someone had bailed out). Friday and Saturday were pretty stressful to say the least. Then Saturday night I got a call to meet with the first counselor of the Bishopric before church started for another calling. I had no idea what it could be since I had just gotten called and sustained as Relief Society instructor a couple of weeks before.
I also got a call Sunday morning saying that I wouldn't have to teach Relief Society after all because of some mix up.  I sure didn't mind especially since I was speaking in Sacrament! I'll probably just end up teaching the next week. Well, not the case. I got called to be the 2nd counselor in the Primary Presidency! Totally unexpected but exciting!
It's funny because both Alex and I got called to something only to be called to something else a week or two later! Alex is now serving as Sunday School President (instead of being in the Elders Quorum Presidency).

I have been having some problems with Lucy lately. She has such an attitude. She throws things, kicks, bites, yells, spits... all of that. I'd like to think she is being a typical two year old... but goodness, I've gotta nip this in the bud. I'm about 60 pages into the book On Becoming Preschool Wise. (I read the book On Becoming Babywise and implemented its teachings on Lucy and they worked like a charm!) It's pretty great so far! I can't wait to read the rest of it and hopefully change some of this behavior before she actually does start preschool! (If anyone has any other great reference materiel for me to look into or any tips, I'd greatly appreciate it! I'm kind of at a loss these days).

Have a Happy (and healthy) Weekend!!


  1. That is a great window! Those stories are so funny and crazy! That Lucy! She sure keeps you busy :) We miss her! I want to read that book, too. I should check it out from the library.

  2. Parenting with love and logic is good. That is a tricky age!! :)

  3. The best success we've had is to find out what their "currency" is...what really makes them tick. For our youngest she has a special lovey/blanket. When she displays "ugly behavior" she gets a discussion about that behavior and a warning. If it continues she loses her lovey and has to earn it back with better behavior. She usually earns it back later in the day and definitely by bedtime. In addition to this, when she shows good behavior we really try to make sure we tell her and recognize it verbally so that she begins to see the difference of ugly vs. good. Not saying you have to do things this way, just what has worked for us.

  4. I have so been enjoying catching up on your blog. I think sometimes it's private and sometimes it's not but when you make it not private all of the old posts come up on my reader and I enjoy them all! I had to pipe in and tell you that I'm currently the 2nd counselor in the primary presidency and Ken is the Sunday School president... :) I'm so glad you and Alex are married, you are a fantastic couple. And your kids are hilarious, you are doing a great job. It's a hard job, but I love love love it and it's refreshing seeing it through your eyes also. Time goes so fast and so does perspective and it's fun to hear yours!
