Saturday, March 9, 2013

Still Here!

Oh yea...hey! Remember me? Still around. My reason for being MIA?
I'm tired.
Just tired.
Can you blame a woman? Especially one with two highly energetic, attention demanding children.
But believe you me when I say I think about blogging all the time. It's something I love and I miss doing it regularly. But when I actually think I have energy to sit down and write, my feet somehow instead find their way walking to the couch where my body flops with exhaustion. And the funny thing is that when I review my day, I feel like I hardly did anything! My kids were at least dressed and fed, we spent time outside playing, maybe walked to the mailbox and back... oh yea, and I'm growing another baby full-time.
I'll be 35 weeks tomorrow. I can hardly believe it. I don't know if I want time to speed up or to slow down. I want my body back along with my energy (oh, and sleeping on my stomach!), but three kids?! I think I'll vote for time to slow down.
In other news, we are loving where we live now. I actually open my blinds every morning without worrying that someone is walking by right next to my window and seeing a helpless mom with two kids all by herself. Or hearing extremely loud music with inappropriate lyrics rattling the walls of my home. Or the druggy neighbors. Or the yelling of arguments just steps from our front door. Or random grocery carts that end up right outside our home....Did I mention the frequent showing up of cop cars and helicopters?
I think you get the idea.
It's peaceful here in our new neighborhood. I love my husband a million times more for moving us. He really deserves some kind of recognition because a move was the last thing he needed on top of school. And he moved us knowing that he would now be commuting to school instead of a quick hop, skip and a jump to campus. I love him. So much. And I think he can tell that our new environment has made a world of difference for me. I'm not as depressed (not that I was ever really depressed), but I am much happier on a day to day basis. At least I can tell a difference in myself.
Life is good great.


  1. I'm so glad you love your new neighborhood, but we miss you! You are invited to Girls' Night anytime!

    p.s. Have you picked a name for sweet baby girl yet??

    1. Thanks Krista! Shoot me a text or message on FB when you have girls night again...i'd love to come!
      And we think we're pretty sure we've got a name for'll have to wait and see! (or when i see you in person next, i'll just tell you) :)

  2. Cutest pic ever! Just LOVE everything about it. So wish I was around to take your kids off your hands for a few hours. That last month of pregnancy always feels so long

  3. Oh that is so great! I am SO glad that you are living in a better place, that makes all the difference! And I LOVE that photo of you and your kids, seriously, it is perfect!
    I am excited to see pictures of your new little angel ;) You are almost there!

  4. Spend time with your sweet kids & rest as much as you can! :)
