Friday, June 7, 2013

Got Her Ears Lowered!

 For months I've been asking Lucy if she wants to get her hair cut and every time the response has something to do how she needs her hair to stay long like "Tangled". My counter argument usually entails how Rapunzel cut her hair at the end of the movie and she looked so pretty! "No!" she says, then runs away. Well, this particular Saturday I was able to convince her and she happily agreed! My almost four year old has never had a real haircut before and I think it was about time. That scraggly mess was just getting too long to brush and the squeals/screams/dramatics from me doing her hair were getting old. Fast.
I was actually this close to having her get a bob haircut, giving just enough length of hair to donate. But there was a certain someone (*cough* Alex) who would have had a little less than unhappy reaction. He loves the long locks on his ladies. :)
It's a perfect length for a perfect little lady. Definitely wont be waiting another four years until we cut it again. I can't imagine trying to tame that wild mane!


  1. So cute!! Anne got her's cut pretty short and it's been nice having less tangles with her in and out of the water all day. She's already telling me she wants it long again :)

  2. Any time I watch a little girl, I ask if I can do her hair! I never even thought about how tangly it might get as it grows longer. Lucy looks adorable, and again, I feel like I'm right there with her while she gets it cut. Great job Shauna! It was great talking to you today! I'm determined to make Disneyland work!

  3. She looks so cute! I can't believe it was so long! I'm sure your life just got a lot easier :)
