Being the "Mama's Boy" that he is, I wasn't sure how Todd was going to handle having another baby around. I was pretty sure he was going to be a jealous mess and that this new baby would be cramping his style. When Anna was first born, my predictions were pretty accurate. He just wasn't a fan. He didn't like when I'd nurse her and he hated that I couldn't hold him because I was holding her. There was an occasional toy thrown at her face and the constant stealing of her binki.
But somewhere along the way, he decided that he somewhat liked her. Then loved her. Now he's obsessed with her! From the moment he wakes up, he is in her face trying to get her to smile. When she's fussy, he brings her toys to cheer her up. When he hears her making any noise through the monitor, he runs as fast as he can to her aid. It drives me nuts because I'm usually trying to get her to sleep, but he's too fast for me to catch him!
But oh! How it warms my heart to see him love his little sister and do what he can within his two-year-old abilities to make her happy. And he's very successful. Annie is always cracking up at him.
Yup, she definitely loves him too.
im in love with both of them...i need to see them. they're like my peace! i miss you shauna!
So sweet! This gives me hope that Will might handle a baby at some point. He is a BIG mama's boy :)