Grateful for a healthy family after a few days of the stomach flu
Loving this beautiful Arizona weather
Determinedto be more organized with my life. And to conquer that mountain of dishes
Strugglingwith getting Todd to bed
Craving a trip to Disneyland
Looking for awesome art prints for L & T’s room
Inspiredby creative people, uplifting quotes, and Pinterest
Longingfor a large chunk of time to do whatever I want and not feel guilty about it.
Feelingoverwhelmed by the mundane tasks of life. Can I ever catch up?!
Impressed by Lucy’s drawing skills
Eating chips and salsa for lunch
Attendingcardio classes at the gym…periodically
Entertainingthe idea of sewing library book bags for the kids
Re-realizinghow good Kit Kat bars are
Finding it hard to cook dinner when my husband isn’t home for it. Looks like we’re having sandwiches again…
Acceptingthe fact that school will just have to wait for another time in life
Knowing that I am doing the best I can. That I am so blessed. And that life is good.