If you were to ask me if I were a morning person or night owl, I’d say I favor the mornings. But with that being said, mornings are rough for me. Much of my morning is determined by the night before. Were the kids up several times? Did I stay up late? How many bathroom visits? You get my drift. My nights are hardly restful these days. With three kids ages four and under, I’m never off the clock.
Some mornings are extremely productive and I feel like patting myself on the back and awarding myself a gold star (go me!). Other mornings, all I can do is roll out of bed, pour the begged for cup of juice, and plop down on the couch. Those mornings are unfortunately filled with bowls of cereal, Dora the Explorer, and pajamas until noon. I’m not proud of those days. In fact, I’m not proud of many days. I’m a work in progress.
My ideal morning would be to wake up at least thirty minutes before my children and ready myself for the day without any distraction– pray, read my scriptures, maybe start a load of laundry, ect. It just makes sense! (And I’ve done it a few times!) But those few extra moments cuddled in my warm bed next to the man of my dreams are heavenly. The day can most definitely wait.
I’m a light sleeper. I don’t think I used to be, but I have become one since having kids. I can hear my kids coming out of their room long before they make it to my bedside, all the while trying to guess if it is Lucy or Todd coming to wake me up. 50/50 chance. I’m grateful when Lucy is up first. I can give her instructions and she so readily complies. Todd, on the other hand, will stand next to my side of the bed begging for whatever it is he wants and pulling on my arm until I give in. “Juice, mommy! Juice!” over and over again. Persistent little bugger! Not what I want to wake up to. My favorite is when Annie wakes up first. I bring her back to bed with me where she will lay between her father and I and “talk” while playing with her toes and I can close my eyes for a little while longer. Though, most often she is clawing at both mine and my husband’s faces begging for us to play with her.
I know consistency is key, and I know from experience that the morning can really determine the rest of the day, but I just haven’t found my groove yet. I’m hoping that as the kids get older and as they start school, things will fall into place a little better. It’s just hard. This young stage of motherhood is tough. But I’m trying. I’m really trying. Not every day is going to be ideal.
In the meantime, I’m going to relish those morning snuggles with my kids before they outgrow me.
Oh please never outgrow me!
How do you make such ordinary things seem so magical? I think my eyes get teary with each post even though you are talking about such day-to-day things. You are making me baby hungry talking about that cute little Annie :) I wish we were still neighbors.