Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Day 9 - Purchase

I look forward to the day when we are out of school and can actually start earning money. (The light at the end of the tunnel is verrry faint!) Right now, we are living off of school loans. I sometimes make a little money here and there doing photo shoots, but for the most part, our debt balance gets higher and higher as the days go on. We try not to stress about it, because it’s really our only option at this point in our lives. Instead, we try to live frugally the best that we can. We take out a certain amount of money in cash each week and try to live within those few bills. It’s been working great for us! It has really helped us decipher between needs vs. wants and we are always sure that we leave enough money for a date at the end of the week (we wouldn’t survive without it!) In fact, our kids are as pleased as punch to have us leave them with a babysitter. I mean, just today Todd was crying for whatever reason, then all of a sudden he starts crying because he wanted a babysitter to come over! I get it, I get it…they are probably a lot nicer and give you all the juice you want!
Though being students can be rough at times (especially with three young children), I’m really enjoying this stage of our lives. We are learning and growing together as a family in ways I never imagined and I am basically forced to be creative with what I do have. Old cereal boxes are used for storing art supplies and coloring books, and pages out of old books and random buttons are used for holiday decorations.

I love it. We truly have a wonderful life. 

1 comment:

  1. I love how poverty can really help us to become inventive and resourceful! I've been saving toilet paper tubes for a YEAR so that I can use them as biodegradable pots for starting my seeds in the garden ;)
    You guys will be making the big bucks someday and won't have to scrimp for every little thing :)
