Sunday, October 26, 2014

Temecula Duck Pond

The summer before my senior in high school, Alex had already graduated and was getting ready to go on his mission. It was the day before he was going to leave, so I headed over to the Geyers to go say goodbye to him for two years. I brought a loaf of bread with me. I was going to do it this time - I was going to ask him to come with me to go feed the ducks! I thought it would be a fun, somewhat romantic, outing...just the two of us. I had finally mustered up the courage, but when I pulled into the driveway, I totally chickened out. I left the loaf of bread on the floor of the passenger side and when I came back to the car after saying my goodbyes, it was already getting stale from the stuffy hot interior of the car. Good thing that stale bread wasn't some omen to our future relationship :)
I later told Alex during our courtship about this little "feed the ducks with me" thing. He was so bummed that I didn't ask him. He said he would have gone in a heart beat! Oh well...

Anyways, we had a nice little Family Home Evening going to the duck pond with my parents and Mikael and Henry. Lucy worked on her duck call, Todd stole a few pieces of bread for himself, and the babies were captivated by the ducks. They even got to ride the carousel at the restaurant next door, lucky ducks! 

This outing will be added to the many other memories I have of this place. I'll have to save the story of my best friend growing up getting pushed into the pond by her brother for another time. It's a good one. :)

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