Thursday, March 28, 2013


Monday, March 25, 2013

37 Weeks

And here we are... I've made it! I am now considered full term! Thank goodness! This little girl can make her appearance any time now and I'd be thrilled. Lucy asks me every so often, "Mom, can you push the baby out of your tummy yet?" She cracks me up...during her dinner prayer tonight she prayed that her baby sister would play dress up with her. She's always picking out dresses at the store for her baby sister. To say she's excited to meet her is an understatement!
As far as her name goes...we have been mulling over names for months and months and couldn't find the right name. As of a few days ago, we thought we had it. We were about 95% sure we were going to name her this, but after trying it out on a good amount of people we kept getting the same negative response for the most part. And if cordial, respectable adults were giving us that reaction we could hardly imagine what little stinker kids on the blacktop would call her!!
It was at about 4:30 am on Saturday when the "bolt of lightning" hit and we now have a perfect name for this little girl! Finally! (You'll just have to wait and see!) 
It makes me all the more anxious and excited to meet her!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Ooooh...What the Heck!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Still Here!

Oh yea...hey! Remember me? Still around. My reason for being MIA?
I'm tired.
Just tired.
Can you blame a woman? Especially one with two highly energetic, attention demanding children.
But believe you me when I say I think about blogging all the time. It's something I love and I miss doing it regularly. But when I actually think I have energy to sit down and write, my feet somehow instead find their way walking to the couch where my body flops with exhaustion. And the funny thing is that when I review my day, I feel like I hardly did anything! My kids were at least dressed and fed, we spent time outside playing, maybe walked to the mailbox and back... oh yea, and I'm growing another baby full-time.
I'll be 35 weeks tomorrow. I can hardly believe it. I don't know if I want time to speed up or to slow down. I want my body back along with my energy (oh, and sleeping on my stomach!), but three kids?! I think I'll vote for time to slow down.
In other news, we are loving where we live now. I actually open my blinds every morning without worrying that someone is walking by right next to my window and seeing a helpless mom with two kids all by herself. Or hearing extremely loud music with inappropriate lyrics rattling the walls of my home. Or the druggy neighbors. Or the yelling of arguments just steps from our front door. Or random grocery carts that end up right outside our home....Did I mention the frequent showing up of cop cars and helicopters?
I think you get the idea.
It's peaceful here in our new neighborhood. I love my husband a million times more for moving us. He really deserves some kind of recognition because a move was the last thing he needed on top of school. And he moved us knowing that he would now be commuting to school instead of a quick hop, skip and a jump to campus. I love him. So much. And I think he can tell that our new environment has made a world of difference for me. I'm not as depressed (not that I was ever really depressed), but I am much happier on a day to day basis. At least I can tell a difference in myself.
Life is good great.