Monday, February 16, 2015


My handsome little guy started preschool this year! He'll continue preschool through next year as well. So instead of the typical 1 year of preschool, he'll do a year and a half. I felt like he really needed some more socialization and something to look forward to during the week. He attends at the nearby elementary school. Every day when I pick him up and ask him what his favorite part of the day was, without fail he mentions the chocolate milk he had at snack and playing with toys. 
No wonder he loves preschool!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

My Poor Baby

Annie broke her arm! She's the first of my kids to break a bone and I have a feeling it won't be the last. And the crazy thing is that I don't even know how it happened! 
It was late afternoon and I was finally changing her out of her pjs. When I yanked on her sleeve, she started whining saying "ow! ow! my arm!" She wasn't crying or anything, but I was curious why it was hurting. I just watched her a little bit and noticed her forearm looked funny. It was slighting bending in the middle. I felt her arms, squeezed them, compared them, trying to do whatever I could to asses the situation. And all the while, Annie hardly made a peep. I went with my gut and took her in to the Urgent Care. She was as happy as could be, bopping around, babbling and even climbing on the chairs. I'm sure the nurses and staff there thought I was an over-sensitive mom and was just wasting their time. But sure enough she completely broke her radius! And she's been handling it great, sleeping just fine, and even trying to draw with her right arm. She's a trooper!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Hawaiian Wedding

We were so lucky and blessed to be able to go as a family to Kona, Hawaii for my aunt Ladell's wedding. I took a TON of pictures while we were there and was even able to be the "photographer" some of the time for the bride and groom. Here is just a little snippet of our time there. It was just unreal how beautiful it was! But the time spent with family was and all the fun things we did with them is what made the trip so special! Aloha!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Lovely Lucy

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Taking a Tub

Instead of saying "taking a bath", I grew up saying "taking a tub". I never actually noticed it until after having kids and Alex pointed it out to me. Oh well...I still say it because I think it's cute :) My kids love taking tubs!

As Annie would say, "Pee Bee Boo! I see you!"

Monday, January 5, 2015

No Training-Wheels!

What a way to start off the new year! Lucy got a new bike for Christmas and she was ready to try riding it without training wheels. After only about 30 min of wobbling and getting used to her balance, she was whizzing all around the neighborhood! So proud of her. A big milestone for this big five year old! (And notice another milestone...she lost her first tooth!)