Thursday, November 15, 2012

More! More! More!

More bows, more ribbons, more ruffles, more PINK!!
We are thrilled to be having another little girl! We really didn't care what we got this time since we have one of each. But once I found out it was a girl, I was so giddy! I can't wait to pull out all of the adorable dresses and cute shoes again!

Lucy is going to be such a great little mommy to her. Todd? I'm sure he'll be a great big brother...we'll just have to keep him from poking her eyes or hitting her with his Buzz toy. 

We've been throwing around a few names, but can't decide on one. Alex is pretty set on a name, but I'm not quite there yet. I've got some other names that I think I like a little better. But for me, it's about finding the right name for this baby. 
Good thing we've got a few more months to figure it out!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Around Here

It's actually starting to get cold here in Tucson! Who would have thought?!

We made these amazing hamburgers last night which we used the inspiration from a local burger joint.
Try to imagine this...
bacon, blue cheese, green chiles, jalapenos, topped with strawberry jam. To die for!

Lucy started saying the word "stupid" out of no where. We've been teaching her that that's a bad word and that she shouldn't say it. We couldn't figure out for the longest time where she picked that up! Maybe nursery? Until this last week or two when we've kept getting corrected by Lucy to stop saying "stupid". Shoot! It was us all along!

We had a pet hamster for about a week. Lucy named him Prince Eric. He had to go back to his family though because Lucy was a little too loving to him, giving him baths and what not. I wasn't up to always supervising her whenever she was with him. I think maybe in a year or two we'll try it again

Todd can say about eight or so words. But he just will not say "Mama"! Come on! Not even after all of those 6am snuggle sessions?!

I've had a little case of the organizing bug. My crafts are officially all in one place and very accessible! Maybe this means I'll actually get back to creating or sewing things.
Now it's on to Lucy's closet. Oh help me!

We unexpectedly found out the gender of our baby recently... more to come on that later :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

My Garden Fairy and Mr. Buzz

A few things about this photoshoot:
1) These pictures were taken the Saturday after Halloween...I didn't really get any the day of since it got too dark when they finally got dressed. Plus, I was working on Lucy's costume til the last minute :)
2) I was pretty happy with the location we found. It's hard to find a decent, green location in Tucson!
3) I learned to not expect much from an 18 month old and a 3 year old. I had all of these visions in my head of what I wanted to capture, yet most of the pictures taken were of the back of their heads or were blurry. Those two are quick!
4) I am absolutely in love with these kids!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

One Little Curl

Lucy's hair is one of my favorite things ever. I've only given her maybe two trims in her short 3 years. Some days it's a scraggly mess and she won't let me touch it, other days it's silky smooth with maybe a braid or two to keep out of her eyes. BUT my favorite aspect about her golden locks is that as straight as it is, she has this one little curl. One that just sneaks up on you from out of nowhere. One that says - hey! don't forget about me! I'm here too!
One that is a perfect unique touch to such a perfectly unique little girl.