Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 12 - Nourish

didn't know what to write exactly for this prompt. I guess I could talk about what foods I like, but that just sounded so boring. So instead, I looked up the word “nourish” in the dictionary (that is, if you count Google as a dictionary) and the definition reads – “provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition”
Necessary…what is it that I find necessary to nourish my heart, mind, and soul? Aside from the basics of food and sleep, I have learned that something that nourishes me is interacting with others. And by others, I mean people other than my Littles at home. I love connecting with people. It almost gives me a little bit of a rush. Finding common ground with a person is something I search for. To be able to laugh, agree/disagree, talk about likes/dislikes, or even just shoot the breeze with another human being is invigorating. Because everyone is someone. They too have a story to tell, whether it be big or small, and I’d like to figure out what that story is.
I have also found that time alone is nourishing for me. No kids. No obligations. No one to talk to. Just me. My husband is pretty good at giving me that alone time when he can. If he can’t, I find other ways whether it be walking to the mailbox alone or sending the kids outside.  I need to be rejuvenated somehow so that I can simply face the day ahead.
Writing nourishes my soul. Writing helps me discover what is actually in my soul. It feels great to be able to get whatever it is out and to have it make sense. Or to knock me into sense! Sometimes I let things fester and they get so skewed and whacky that when I write those things down, it all doesn’t seem such a big deal after all.
I receive nourishment from above as well. In fact, above all I receive nourishment from my Father in Heaven. I can’t always recognize the help I receive, but I know it’s there. I know my Heavenly Father is mindful of me and my situation. And those days when I feel alone, I know I never truly am.

M&M’s….peanut M&M’s. They unfortunately nourish me too. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Annie Stays in the Hospital

If one person gets sick, it's only a matter of time before it spreads to the rest of us. In this case, Lucy had gotten sick - fever, cough, cold, tummy ache - and after a few days, I took her in to the doc. She just basically needed to ride the wave until it was over. The doctor even warned that the other two kids will probably follow suit. So that night when Annie came down with the same symptoms, I did my best to treat them. But days went by and she didn't get any better and was actually getting worse. It was the weekend and I kept telling myself that come Monday I was going to take her in.
Sunday night was the worst. She could hardly breathe. She was floppy. She wouldn't eat or drink and she barely got a wink of shut-eye. I called the doctor's office first thing Monday, but she couldn't get in until late afternoon. I couldn't wait that long...I just knew she needed to get in right away! I took her tot he ER where they instantly started her on breathing treatments and ran several tests. They took some X-rays and before we knew it we were heading up to the fifth floor to stay the night.

My heart broke when the doctor told me they were going to admit her. I knew she would be perfectly okay and that she just needed proper treatment. I knew that we wouldn't be there long. But my heart still broke at the thought that my daughter was just so ill. My mind instantly thought about my family who have gone through much more difficult and extremely painful situations involving their children. Oh how my heart ached for them. Here I was experiencing the tiniest sliver of what they felt - the reality of having my child admitted to the hospital, and a feeling of helplessness and uncertainty. And even though Annie's condition wasn't all that serious, it was still serious enough to be admitted to the hospital. No matter the case, as a mother you only want the best for your children and that includes their health. I wanted Annie to be back to her normal happy, giggly self. I was anxious to get her started with the proper care and treatment, praying we wouldn't be there long. After a few pokes, she got her IV and was on her way to getting better. 
(She had RSV, pneumonia, a double ear infection, and was extremely dehydrated)

We have such wonderful friends who took Lucy and Todd for us overnight without a second thought so that I could stay with Anna and so that Alex could continue studying for a huge test coming up in a few days. Such life savers! The next day, my parents hopped in the car and drove the 7 hours to come to our aid. We are so extremely grateful to them as well for all of their help. My mom even stayed that second night in the hospital with Anna so that I could go home and get some sleep! And we are so appreciative of everyone thinking about her and praying for her. There truly is strength in numbers as we exercise our faith. 
I feel like i just gave an acceptance speech at the Oscars. But we are ever so grateful! 
Thank you! Thank you!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day 11 - Watch

I watch very few television shows. When I finally do have a second to watch something, it is usually that week’s episode of Downton Abbey or Once Upon a Time. I look forward each night (if I don’t fall asleep by then) to watching The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon with my Love. We love laughing together while we are snuggled in bed, eating popcorn, and watching it on Alex’s iPad with our big cups of ice water handy.

I watch Todd build and create with his toys. I can’t help but see some of my brother’s impressive Lego skills manifest themselves through Todd’s Duplo creations. I love watching his little creative mind at work.

I watch the mailman drive past with a letter I’ve sealed and stamped. I anticipate it’s arrival.

I watch Lucy read and discover a whole new world of words. I love, love, LOVE receiving little letters from her (they’re my favorite!) She impresses me daily with her ability to absorb so much information around her. She makes sure to share that information as well.

I watch others. I watch the way they express gratitude, the way they handle stress, the way they parent their children, the way they speak. I watch and I learn.

I watch Annie explore food and dump it over the edge of her highchair. She’s pretty picky with what I put in front of her. Though for some odd reason, if that same food is on the floor, it is so much more appealing. 

I watch my kids fight and power struggle with each other. Sometimes I step in, sometimes I just watch.

I watch Alex leave for school each day, his backpack hanging heavy on his shoulders.

I watch my mother struggle with health issues and my heart aches for her. How I wish I could alleviate some of her pain! Maybe if I send more pictures of my kids, that would help :)

I watch my children through the kitchen window as they play together in the back yard. Lucy in her swimsuit just because she felt like it, Todd burying his toys in the dirt and excavating them, and Anna dirtying up her clean outfit as she crawls through the yard, trying to taste things along her way. My heart just bursts!

I watch myself learn and grow as I navigate my way through this young stage of motherhood, wondering some days if what I’m doing and how I’m teaching my kids is even working. Then I get a special letter from Lucy and I don’t wonder so much anymore.