Wednesday, May 9, 2012

One Year Older and Wiser Too

Happy Birthday my sweet Todders!
I can't believe that it was only a short year ago that you joined our family. Life has been that much better because of you. You are so happy all of the time and you just have a love for life. I love rocking you in the middle of the night as you snuggle oh so close. I love chasing you up the stairs and watching you laugh as you try to get away from me as quick as you can. I love that as I am typing this, you somehow weaseled your way onto my lap to be front and center of what I'm doing. 
Some things that you are up to these days;
*You are almost walking! You took your first step about 2 weeks ago and are nearly a pro. Just a little more practice and you'll soon be running!
*You love your little airplane toy. You do the cutest flying sound effect as you wave it around in the air.
*You are always on the go... it's hard for me to read a book to you or even watch a movie with you. You want to explore what's around you.
*You point to what you find interesting... which is everything.
*You are a great eater! Even if it's edible or not. :)

I love you, Todd! Happy birthday!


  1. What a handsome little man!!

  2. You will be so later in life for todd to see these pictures!

  3. It will be soo* cool later in life for Todd to see all these pictures! You're a great momma shauna lol
