Saturday, June 2, 2012

I'm So Embarrassed

As mortifying and humiliating as it can be in a moment of embarrassment, those feelings shortly turn into a comical outlook of what just happened and there's nothing left to do but laugh at the foolish thing you did.

I'm not quite there yet... I'm still pretty darn embarrassed.

A few months back, I was asked to donate a photography session for my church for an auction/fundraiser for the youth going to girl's camp and scout camp... Absolutely! I was happy to help. Just a few days ago, I got a call from the lady who bid on my service and we set up a date and time to meet so I could take pictures of her family, including a sweet new 3-week old baby girl. While talking on the phone, we brainstormed ideas of poses and locations, and the excitement in her voice was apparent.

"Alrighty! See you Friday at 5:30!"

Friday rolled around and at about 4pm I started getting my gear and props in order so that I could walk out the door, stress free, ready to make some magic for this little family. Camera, check. Battery charged, check. SD memory card....? What? Where was it? The only memory card that works for my camera is usually only ever in my camera or on my computer, and now it was gone. It couldn't have gone far! I searched and searched, tossing toys and clothes into the air seeing if it was hiding underneath, and an hour later I was still searching.
"Oh crud...." It was 5pm and I was supposed to be leaving soon to meet with the family. While still maintaining my composure and trying to mask my frustration, I called my client and told her the situation. I asked if she had an SD card that she could possibly bring to the photoshoot as a backup plan if I still couldn't find mine.

I got to her house, empty handed. But thankfully she had a card waiting for me to try. I was already so embarrassed that I came to the shoot so unprepared and asking for this favor. She pulls out a brand new card that hadn't been opened yet. Surely this would work! I told her I'll buy that card off of her, because I need a new one anyways.
But you guessed it... still no luck. What the fritz?!?! UGH!!
"Why don't you guys go ahead, and I'll meet you at the park. I'm going to run to Walmart and buy one really quick."

I zoomed over there as fast as I could, knowing that my clients were probably thinking what a total spoof I was and regretting every moment of bidding on my photography service. I ran to the back of the store to the electronics... it's sure not easy running in flip-flops. After speaking to several people and trying a couple of brand new memory cards in my camera, it still didn't work! After being in denial for a while, I finally consented to the fact that something was wrong with my camera.

I slowly started walking toward the exit of the store, took a deep breath, and called my patiently waiting, all dressed up, client. I tried to make light of the situation, apologizing profusely, and thanking her for understanding. I promised her that once I got things working again, I'd make all of this hassle worth it for her and her family.

Holding back tears, I called Alex who was at the park with the kids.
"I'm so embarrassed!!!" ... and the flood gates were opened. Oh well... what's there to do. Just fix my camera and try again, I guess.

Well, that was therapeutic.... maybe I'll be able to laugh here pretty soon.


  1. When something embarrassing happens to me, I have to tell someone and talk it out before I can even bear living with myself any longer. I hope it all works out, and maybe it will be an even better shoot the second time around!

  2. I have one for you. Shortly after we got off the phone with this story, I dropped my phone, brand new by the way, in Ryan's bath! I laugh, dried it off and it seemed to work fine. 10 minutes later though it was spazzing bad. I had just renewed my two year plan on my parents line, promising I'd be responsible. I felt horrible! Thankfully Brandon knew that the shock wou
    D wear off soon. He went to the store, bought rice, baggies, and some chocolate for me. By the time he came back I was a flood myself.

    Isn't it great that no matter the silly mistakes we make that our husbands remain our pillars. To tell us it will be okay. To tell us tha in their eyes, we are perfect. To tell us that when we do err, it helps them feel better, that we're human too.

    I hope you find your card soon or resolve the camera "chg" error. I know you'll make it up tenfold to the family. And when they have those pictures in their hands, they'll likely forget it all. You are so great Shauna and I am so happy that I was able to talk to you yesterday. Thank you for the motivation and tips. You always make me feel better when I talk to you. Thank you for that.

  3. Oh man! That's so sad that your camera is broken! I hope you can get it fixed soon...and that it's not an expensive repair! What a bummer!
    I know if it were me getting the photo shoot, I wouldn't have cared at all if the photographer's camera had broken! Those things just happen and I'm sure they don't blame you at all!

  4. Oh my that is so bad! I am so sorry! Is it a super fancy expensive camera? Oh that would be the worst! Oh, girl so sorry! I am sure the lady understood. Oh I hope you fix it or find an we one soon! You are super talented!

  5. my heart sank for you as i read this post. i just kept saying, "oh no...oh no..." finally cameron was like, "what happened?!" i told him and he said, "ooooo, that sucks." i hope you get the problem all fixed but just know that i died a little for you.
