Thursday, November 15, 2012

More! More! More!

More bows, more ribbons, more ruffles, more PINK!!
We are thrilled to be having another little girl! We really didn't care what we got this time since we have one of each. But once I found out it was a girl, I was so giddy! I can't wait to pull out all of the adorable dresses and cute shoes again!

Lucy is going to be such a great little mommy to her. Todd? I'm sure he'll be a great big brother...we'll just have to keep him from poking her eyes or hitting her with his Buzz toy. 

We've been throwing around a few names, but can't decide on one. Alex is pretty set on a name, but I'm not quite there yet. I've got some other names that I think I like a little better. But for me, it's about finding the right name for this baby. 
Good thing we've got a few more months to figure it out!