Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Around Here

It's actually starting to get cold here in Tucson! Who would have thought?!

We made these amazing hamburgers last night which we used the inspiration from a local burger joint.
Try to imagine this...
bacon, blue cheese, green chiles, jalapenos, topped with strawberry jam. To die for!

Lucy started saying the word "stupid" out of no where. We've been teaching her that that's a bad word and that she shouldn't say it. We couldn't figure out for the longest time where she picked that up! Maybe nursery? Until this last week or two when we've kept getting corrected by Lucy to stop saying "stupid". Shoot! It was us all along!

We had a pet hamster for about a week. Lucy named him Prince Eric. He had to go back to his family though because Lucy was a little too loving to him, giving him baths and what not. I wasn't up to always supervising her whenever she was with him. I think maybe in a year or two we'll try it again

Todd can say about eight or so words. But he just will not say "Mama"! Come on! Not even after all of those 6am snuggle sessions?!

I've had a little case of the organizing bug. My crafts are officially all in one place and very accessible! Maybe this means I'll actually get back to creating or sewing things.
Now it's on to Lucy's closet. Oh help me!

We unexpectedly found out the gender of our baby recently... more to come on that later :)


  1. So not fun when your kids pick up words that you don't want them to say. Mariel learned "stupid" from a 4-year-old friend and now when she gets really mad she starts calling everything stupid... I love that you had a hamster named Prince Eric! We've thought about getting a cat, but aren't sure if Mariel is ready yet... Plus, then Brandon and Lacey can't visit anymore cause the boys and Brandon are so allergic :( I'm excited to see what you're having -at least at this point you have one of each so you're prepared for a boy or girl ;)

  2. So excited to hear the gender!

    p.s. I am pretty sure Charles would die over that burger!

  3. Those pictures of Todd are adorable. Mason is a magnet for our blinds! And no mama yet! Come one Todd!!! I hope Mason learns to say it too. I didn't realize how lucky I was that Ryan learned mama first. We hear a lot of Da-da around here. I guess that first mama will just be extra special. Ryan had a round of using the same 'S' word. Ryan picked it up from Ratatouille and Mulan. He used it more in the context of calling himself "stupid" rather than others. It was so sad to hear. I just tried to not call much attention to it and kindly told him it was not a nice word and to not use it. Now and again we hear it, but it is less and less.

    And one last :) and :D. SO excited to hear if Lucy and Todd had a reaction to what you're having! I'm happy for you and Alex!

  4. Sorry I misspelled my own son's name, so I had to edit and repost... that was embarrassing! :P

  5. oh my gosh those pictures of him looking out the window. so. freaking. cute. and please....don't make us wait any longer! boy? girl? i kind of think another boy but i also think you're due for another girl...hmmm...

  6. I was going to say that stupid is ALL over kids movies and TV shows. :) If she didn't get it there, maybe she got it from a friend who watches movies. :) Your kids are adorable I laughed out loud about the hampster getting baths, that sounds just like what would have happened at my house. So funny. But sorry for the stress, I promise those kids of yours are going to be able to take care of an animal someday! I can't believe it, but mine are finally starting to be old enough. You are not far at all!

  7. So I must have missed a post...I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS! HAPPY BABY!
    Sure do love the pictures of your kids...blinds are just the number one favorite toy! Unless paper and scissors are around, then I get little tiny pieces of paper all over instead of crooked blinds. :) You have adorable kids!
