Monday, January 14, 2013

Knowing When to Quit

Goals are such good things to have. When you are really committed to a goal, it pushes you, challenges you and makes you do things you thought you couldn't. For the last five weeks, I have been diligent on the goal I set (mentioned here) and I have to say, I'm pretty proud of myself so far. It definitely has been more work and has pushed me out of my comfort zone.
But I've realized, it's time to quit/postpone my goal. The reason being is that I've got things on my list that are higher in priority like:
1) MOVING! Like, starting today! Yes...we're crazy enough to be moving again, but it's time we get out of this rough part of town and to a place where things are better all around. (I am SOO EXCITED!)
2) I'm going to be starting up preschool for Lucy. Got to plan lessons and what-not.
3) And just being a better mom in general. Spending more quality time with my family and getting our family life organized. I'm on an life-organization kick right now.

This sure doesn't mean I'll be stopping my'll still see plenty of that. It's just going to have to take a back seat for now. And to be honest, it feels good to stop what I'm doing, realize what's more important, and move forward with that rather than finishing a goal just to say I finished it.

I know I can accomplish my goal. But I also know when to quit.
Right now, my family is my goal.


  1. Way to go! Your goal can wait until you are ready again! That's SO exciting that you are moving! You have to post pictures of the new place!
    And gold star for doing your own preschool! I don't think I will ever be that ambitious! I wish I lived closer so you could just teach Joey, too ;)

  2. Seriously wishing you lived her still :) I'm about to start doing a joy school and I don't know the girls in the group very well so I hope it turns out to be a good experience. Good luck with the move! I am eagerly awaiting the day we get to finally move :)

  3. Five weeks is very commendable! Knowing when to stop was why my blog was neglected during the boys birthdays and the holidays. It's so hard to find balance, but I think that's because we are trying to balance more than parents did twenty, thirty years ago. I think knowing when to take a step back and reassess what is top priority is very important. Well done!I'm so excited to hear about your move! And preschool! Wow! You're amazing! I'll be calling you soon! :)

  4. You are so great, Shauna. I am amazed at your talents, and the way you prioritize your life! I don't think you're necessarily quitting, just taking a break for something(s) more important. One of my dreams would be to open up and/or run my own preschool! Let me know how it goes!!!

  5. I will miss your everyday posts. I find that when I try to let creativity just happen in the middle of life, life pushes creativity to the very edges-- unless I carve out the time for creativity, it just doesn't happen. Never the less, I totally understand the feeling. It's why I gave up social media this year. :)

  6. I'm working on lesson plans for Linc preschool :-) Tell if you find good stuff!
