Saturday, March 3, 2012

Week in Review

Lucy's idea of napping

We took Todd to the hospital a couple of days ago. In short: He pulled down a 12lb set of ceramic bowls onto his right foot. It kept bleeding and bleeding and was pretty bruised and swollen. We weren't sure if he had fractured it or not. After xrays and 4 hours of waiting around, it turns out he was just fine. I'm sure grateful for little 9 month old rubber feet!

After the hospital, I took Lucy to go play at the mall and get some icecream (thanks Grandma!) :)
She did amazingly well just hanging out and controlling her urge to push every button and pull on every tube that was in her reach. 

I am constantly reminding Lucy that she has to color on paper... not the walls or couches. Even with all of the constant reminding, I found that she had drawn on Todd's head!! It took a few days for the pen marks to finally wash off. 

A few of Alex's single med student female colleagues asked him if they could come over and play with the kids after their test was done. By all means they could come by! Better yet... have them babysit for us!! 
We ditched them and had a wonderful date at the Cheesecake Factory. Anytime they want to come play with the kids and get their baby fill is alright by me!!

Whenever I hold Todd these days, he surprises me and bites my arm and then yanks his head back with my skin in his mouth. I know you're teething, kid... but gracious! That hurts! I've got bruises to prove it!


  1. Oh I am so glad that Todd is okay! You guys seem to be keeping busy, and I love reading all of your week's in review :) Just yesterday I was talking with Chris and we both couldn't believe that in a few months Todd will be turning one!!!! Time is definitely FLYING by -we wish we lived closer, but I'm glad we can keep up to date with your family :)

  2. Oh I am so glad that Todd is okay! You guys seem to be keeping busy, and I love reading all of your week's in review :) Just yesterday I was talking with Chris and we both couldn't believe that in a few months Todd will be turning one!!!! Time is definitely FLYING by -we wish we lived closer, but I'm glad we can keep up to date with your family :)

  3. Lucy looks so BIG!!! Oh, miss that girl. Reesa asked when Lucy is coming to our house. She misses her too! :) I'm glad Todd is ok, sorry about the bites. You're obviously very patient!!!
