Friday, July 13, 2012

In Case You're Wondering...

...yes, we are alive!
It sure has been a wild ride for the last month. A 22 hour drive to AZ, house hunting, drive to CA, family, family, family, and now we're back in Tuscon! With just a few more boxes to unpack, we're that much closer  to getting back to a normal life. Once things finally settle, there will be a whole slew of posts! So stay tuned...


  1. I was just thinking I should email you to see how things are going- sounds like life is super busy! Glad to hear you found a place and are getting settled in- moving is a such a pain!

  2. Wow! Good luck getting unpacked! (we just did that =) Just wanted to let u know I got your message and called u back the next day, but I didn't leave a message-I figured u were super busy trying to move, but wanted to make sure u knew I called u back! We aren't moving to AZ until next year. Have fun being so close to family for us!!! =)

  3. Oh my goodness, I was just able to catch up on your life and I am so excited that you are in Tucson! That is where my dad did his residency and where I was born! I don't remember much, but my parents LOVED it thereI can't wait to hear all about everything. I am glad you found a place to live and that all is going well. Your kids are SO beautiful I can't get over it!
