Friday, July 27, 2012

What We've Been Up To

*Along with Alex getting in to the U of A medical school, I got accepted to the U of A School of Art!! I'll be finishing up my degree in Studio Art, emphasizing in photography. When Alex got accepted, I only had about two days to pull together a portfolio and submit it. It was a total long shot for me, so when I got accepted I was shocked but soooo excited! U of A's art program is amazing!

*Lucy is potty trained! Finally! Sound the trumpets! Throw the confetti!

*We found a couple of bike seats for the kids to attach to our bikes at a thrift store. We've had so much fun going out in the evening on a family bike ride. The kids love it!! And it seems the rest of Tucson comes out in the evening as well to get some fresh air from being inside all day, escaping the heat.

*Todd, being the boy that he is, has already fallen and bashed in his front tooth. Blood everywhere. What are we going to do with this kid? No matter the precautions we take, he always finds some way to hurt himself.

*We've been really enjoying this month of not having much to do (aside from getting situated in our new place). We're taking advantage of it the best we can before the craziness of school starts for both of us.


  1. Wow, wow, Wow!!! Congratulations Shauna! That is so exciting!!! I've always admired your desire and ability to continue on in school, even with everything else you juggle as a wife and mother. And how much Alex supports you in each of those endeavors.

    Yay for Lucy! I'd love to have enough motivation to even try. I have a big phobia of being dirty that I need to overcome first.

    Poor Todd! It always seems like my boys get hurt on my watch. I guess it's because I'm with them all the time and it's bound to happen sometime. There's a reason they say "Boys will be boys."

    And wow, I really miss you! I'm still praying for Arizona! :D

  2. Congratulations, Shauna! I hope you guys like Arizona!

  3. Yay! That's so great that you get to go back to school and finish what you love! And hooray for Lucy! Cute princess and minnie mouse panties are so much more fun than diapers :)

  4. Good job Shauna!! I'm so excited to see you guys next week! Love you:)

  5. Congrats shauna!!!!! How exciting all the new changes :)

    I'm totally jealous Lucy is potty trained. We tried hard core with Logan in may and he flat out didn't care and said he wanted diapers. Fail. We've been talking to him about it the last six months a lot. But now with baby coming any day we have to wait (plus we will be moving soon too). I hope he is one of those kids that decides he's ready and it's done. Thinking of doing Eliza and Logan at the same time!

  6. Your plans sound wonderful! Congrats to you both getting into your programs! You'll do great, Shauna! What I've seen on your blog that you've done is beautiful!

  7. Congratulations on both of your acceptances, (is that even a word :))! Tucson is a wonderful place. I have a cousin who lives there and of course we have a lot of family in Tempe, Mesa, Sedona and Flagstaff. I highly recommend a trip up north to enjoy the desert beauty and a little cooler weather. Although, hiking through the natural bridge is hard for little ones. Our 4 year old stayed up top with the grandparents when we went through. I imagine that your family loves having you a little closer too. Again congratulations!
