Thursday, April 12, 2012


My friend tagged me in her blog to answer some questions. But I'm going to cheat and instead of doing all of the rules of the questionnaire, I'm just going to list random things about me. (hope you don't mind, Lauren!) :)

1. I'm obsessed with my kids noses... meaning I'm always picking at them or wiping them. Poor kids.
2. I LOVE sauteed  mushrooms! Mushrooms are a staple around here.
3. One of my biggest fears is dying young and not being there for my children as they grow up.
4. I secretly want to name a son Walt... yes, after the man himself! (I know it will never happen though) 
5. I hate flossing. It is like pulling teeth to get me to floss. But I still do it... not often enough though. Sure glad Alex is going to be a doctor and not a dentist. :)
6. I occasionally have dreams that I still work at Disneyland. Sigh...
7. I joined the swim team in high school. I lasted two weeks.
8. I want twins. Specifically twin boys. When trying to name Todd, it was either between James and Ben, but neither of those felt right. I like to tease Alex that those are my twins coming. I'm crazy, I know. But if my mom can handle two sets of twins... I could surely handle one, right?
9. My dream house would look along the lines of this:

10. My go to movie when I just feel like watching something is either Oklahoma! or Sleepless in Seattle.
11. (I am so ashamed of this) I was a bully to a little boy named Billy when I was in 5th grade. Pushing and all. I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about it! Billy... if you're out there.. I'm SOOO sorry!! I promise, I'm not a mean person!
12. If I could be any fictional character, I would want to be Laurie from Oklahoma!
13. I love the show Once Upon a Time. Yes, it's definitely cheesy at times, but I love it!
14. I like to read, but I don't usually read fiction. I'm more drawn to self-help books, parenting books, religious books, ect.
15. I make Alex two turkey, cheese, and tomato sandwiches everyday for his lunch. So that means by the end of 4 years of med school, I will have made approximately 2080 sandwiches. That's a real calculation, people!
16. I'm a fish taco expert. Pretty much any where we go that offers fish tacos, I've got to try them! By far, my favorite fish taco is still at Rubio's. Simple and delicious.
17. When I'm really tired, I sleep talk. I have even on occasion gone around our apartment looking for our "other baby" knowing very well that my kids are both in their beds.
18. Me and Alex constantly quote movies back and forth (we're geeks). I love it, though, when I can stump him as to where the quote came from. The most quoted movie around here is probably Toy Story. (again... geeks)
19. My dream car in high school was a lime green V.W. bug with a Texas licence plate. Don't ask about the Texas thing. Okay, I'll tell you... it was because of a Sponge Bob episode. Haha! I'm so lame!

That's it... I can't think of any more!


  1. Twins run in your family?! That's awesome! So you actually have a shot at it! Jealous. Walt is a cute name. Walt Geyer. I like it. And I find it hard to believe that someone as sweet as you could ever be a bully! It's like I don't even know you anymore :) Thanks for the random facts...I thoroughly enjoyed reading more about you!

  2. Yay! I 'm so glad I am not the only one who makes sandwiches for their hubby every day! I try to think of something else to make for him but the very best thing is sandwiches.
    What a fun post! It was so fun to learn all about you!!
