Monday, April 2, 2012


I came across this daffodil patch one day and of course I had to go back and take some Easter pictures of the kids in it! I'm so glad I didn't wait to take them because a week after taking the pictures, I drove by it again and they were all dead! :(
I've never seen a daffodil patch... except for in the movie Big Fish. :) I've always thought it would be so romantic to see a little field of daffodils. So you can only imagine how giddy I was when I came across this one. Lucy was pretty giddy too. 

Happy Spring!


  1. So cute!! Wish I could find a patch here in Provo! Anne has that same hat Lucy is wearing in the last post:)

  2. So pretty! Lucy is so cute hugging Todd!

  3. oh. my. goodness. Those are amazing!

  4. Oh my heck I love these pictures! I was just thinking about when Lucy was blessed and now look how big she is! You really do have such beautiful kids!

  5. oh i wish i could be as dedicated as you in you in your picture taking...i always forget my camera, or if i bring it i forget to take pictures. yours always turn out so cute!

  6. Such beautiful pictures! We miss you guys so much :( Todd is looking so big! I wish you were back in Utah so you could take beautiful pictures of baby Jack when he comes! Hope all is well with you guys. Love you!
