Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday, Friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! 
We had a great weekend together as a family, mostly listening to the LDS General Conference. Conference sure is a different experience when there are young children vying for your attention and making tons of noise. But through all of the distractions, we were able to hear a lot of wonderful, uplifting, inspiring messages. I've definitely come away with a renewed sense of wanting to be and do better as a person. I've got a list of resolutions to start working on. :) (And we're sooo excited for the announcement of a temple to be built here in Tucson!!)

Todd, however, was battling a fever all day yesterday and all through the night. It's heart breaking to wake up at 1 am to the sounds of whimpers coming from across the hall. But being able to rock a sick little boy by the dim light of a nightlight, cradled in my arms, with damp rags across his chest and forehead and humming his favorite songs, reminds me of how much I love being a mother and how sometimes there are only things a mother can do to comfort her ill child.  

Thank goodness he woke up feeling better this morning. Lets hope none of us get sick this week... especially since Alex has a final test this Thursday! That would be the last thing he needs...


  1. Oh no -I'm glad he's feeling better. We have that same Little Tikes car :) I was thinking that you guys must be pretty special cause it looks as though Temples just seem to follow you (first Kansas City, now Tuscon) -and I think that's so great!!! What a neat opportunity -to take your kids through another temple open house! Hope all continues to go well and that no one else gets sick :)

  2. Yes, Conference was great, wasn't it? Poor Todd, sweet baby. I am glad he is feeling better. Good to hear you happy! :) Love you!

  3. being a mom is the best. espeically when your kids are sick. wait, that sounds weird of me to say...but seriously, that's when i appreciate my calling in life the most...when i know that landon just needs me to hold him all night. i don't even feel put out in the least. it makes me so happy.
