Wednesday, October 3, 2012


And by surprise I mean THAT surprise!

Yup... Alex and I are expecting our third baby due this April.

We were very much in shock, especially me. I was feeling like I was finally getting a handle on things with two kids... I was planning to focus more on school and really spend more time on myself developing my talents. In fact, I was trying to not get pregnant. Yet somehow it still happened.
It just really goes to show that the Lord has a different plan for me.

Though having another baby right now was not in our plans, we are so grateful for this little miracle that will soon be joining our family!

(and for those wondering, I am about 13 weeks along) :)


  1. Still so excited for you!! This new baby will be just as cute as Lucy and Todd for sure!! That would definitely be a surprise for us, and I hope I could rebound quickly and have the same faith as you! You're amazing Shauna and I love you! Congratulations to both you and Alex!

  2. Congratulations!! God definitely works in mysterious ways sometimes :)

  3. Congratulations again -that is really so exciting! I'm happy for you guys -Lucy and Todd will have another little sibling!

  4. Congratulations babe! One more beautiful child to inspire some awesome children's books written and illustrated by Shauna Geyer :)

  5. ooooo congrats! i'm super excited for you guys! my guess is...a boy!

  6. Yeah!!!!!! I"m excited for you AND I'm down the street to help! Don't forget that! :)

  7. Holy cow!!!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!

  8. Congrats!! Hope you're feeling well :) Kind of crazy figuring out what the Lord has planned for our lives sometimes, eh? I'm sure this new little one will be just as adorable as the first two!

  9. Aw! Congrats! You are so lucky! I want another baby sooooooo badly! So...what does that make your due date??
