Friday, December 7, 2012

Choose to Focus and Commit

Lucy woke me up at 4:30 this morning needing to go to the bathroom. I tried to go back to bed, but my mind was just racing a mile a minute. I contemplated getting up and writing down my thoughts. But just thinking about the day with my two littles and how tired I'll be come 11 a.m., I forced myself to stay under my covers to try and get more sleep.
After about an hour and a half of no luck, I gave up and here I am! Now the goal is to effectively and fluidly piece together my thoughts so they make sense to you. 

I read this article yesterday by Me Ra Koh and it spoke volumes to me. 
I am that type of person who has a million ideas, but hardly any get executed. I'll start a project and then half way through it ends up on my shelf just screaming to be completed, but I just ignore its cries. Why can't I just finish something I start?!

The article I read talked all about "committing yourself to your art". I may not know what "my art" is, but I do know that I love photography and I love documenting. I really want to become better at it - I have this vision of the end product of who I want to be, the talent I want to posses, the creativity I want to cultivate. And yet, my actual commitment to photography is only subpar. 

Me Ra says,
"Choosing to focus can sometimes feel like it may threaten our freedom or possibilities, and yet this belief underestimates the creative power we each carry. Whether you recognize yourself as an artist or not, your life is still ever-evolving, ever-changing. There is a knocking that comes to your door, a sense that you feel in your spirit. do you listen and follow the trail? Do you risk shaking up all that is known and familiar to follow a gut feeling that gives no guarantees of where it will lead?"

I've been so scared for some reason to really dive in to photography. The perfectionist part of me thinks I should be good at it instantly. I'm scared I'm going to fail at it. I'm scared that once I do jump all the way in that I won't like it anymore. 

But that's the risk I take. 

Things we love take hard work. It's going to be a lot of work for me to improve and to reach that potential I see myself being at. 
But why let these fears stop me before I even really start? It's silly really. 

So here's my goal. (and I want to tell you so it keeps me accountable) :)
Now until Easter (that's 17 weeks!) I am going to blog once a day through the work week, M-F. Posts will include anything I want, even it it's just one photograph. 
I am choosing to focus and commit to my love of photography and writing. My hope is that with this goal, I will be able to push myself to be creative, to take many photographs, and to prove to myself that I can commit to something I love.

So how about you? Want to join me?! Choose to focus and commit to something from now until Easter. Can you do it? (I hope I can!!) Or maybe you could choose something to focus on and commit to on a day-by-day basis. But be specific!

Think about it. No reason a resolution has to wait until New Years!


  1. This really hit home with me, Shauna -I start so many things and never finish them... The problem I have now is deciding what to focus and commit to doing... A friend of mine is working on creating a digital storybook for the ipad/android devices, and he asked me to do the artwork for it all. I've been so worried that my art isn't good enough or that no one will like it, or that it won't live up to his expectations. Still, I want to just push through that and try. I'm finishing 3 online courses right now, so after next week (the 15th) I am more free to start this project. So here is my commitment from now until Easter! I'm gonna work my hardest and focus on getting the pages of drawings done as much and as fast as I can :) Thanks for the inspiration (and sorry for the super long comment!).

    1. That's awesome about doing the art for the digital scrapbook! I totally feel you when it comes to meeting mine or someone else's expectations. I struggle with confidence all the time. But like you said, push through and at least try!! You are a great artist with your own style...hence why this guy asked you to do the art for him.
      I can't wait to see what you do!! (and if you need any help or need a second opinion on things, call or shoot me an email!)

  2. Love it, Shauna! You are amazing! I need that same ambition; thanks for inspiring me today :)

  3. Can't wait to see your posts everyday! And seriously your photos are all amazing!! I'm slowly working on my skills but have a very long way to come :)

  4. I've actually been doing something like this already! But I'd love a deadline! I want to make sure I post our family pictures to our blog - I've been better at it because I do it in little increments instead of downloading hundreds of pictures off my camera all at once. Blogging about that many pictures is too overwhelming. :)
    You take FABULOUS pictures! I love the ones you've posted on your blog!

  5. Ooh! What a great motivation! I liked the article you linked to, that was fun I'm so excited for your project and to see your photos each day! I love the last post of sweet little Lucy! Good luck with your new goal! You can do it!
